Les Tales Read online

Page 7

  “I don’t know if I can do this.” Cree couldn’t believe the words actually came out of her mouth.


  Cree cut Les off before he could say anything. “I’m not this girl. I’m not the girl who sleeps with celebrities. Les, I have been a fan of yours since I first saw you. You are fucking brilliant, and if I do this, I will have to live with knowing that the man I am such a fan of will always look at me as just that black chick at Dragon Con that he banged.”

  Les exhaled, causing his chest to fall some. He smiled as he walked close to her. Les put his hands on her arms.

  “That’s all I needed to hear.” Les’s lips pressed against Cree’s pouty lips. He pulled her face closer to his with his giant hand. Cree ran her hands up and down his strong back. She didn’t want to let go, but she knew she needed to. He finally pulled away, leaving her wanting more.

  “Cree, I know you aren’t that type of girl. Kirk and I both know you and your friends aren’t that type of girl. If you were, I wouldn’t have hung out tonight. I would have just brought you back to the room, banged you, and sent you on your way. You are here because I really want you here, and because I am very attracted to you. Even if you weren’t one of my fans, I would have come after you. I knew the moment I saw you, I had to have you. Don’t deny me.”

  His deep, raspy voice sent chills through Cree’s body. She couldn’t say no. She dropped her head as he dropped to his knees. Cree threw her head back as Les pulled her panties down and put her leg on his shoulder. He buried his head in her inferno, which was burning for him. Cree’s mouth dropped. Words couldn’t escape, only moans.

  Cree grabbed his jet-black hair as Les attempted to lick her dry. She knew it would never happen, as his tongue was causing her to get only wetter with every stroke. Les held her hands tight as he stood up. Before she knew it, she was in the air and holding on to him as her legs trembled on his shoulders. He put her back against the wall as he continued his assault on her clit. The muscles were not a mirage: the man was beyond strong. Cree’s toes stretched, then curled up. She knew it had to be because he wasn’t from America, as no man had ever claimed her with his tongue the way Les was. Cree’s legs jerked. She hit her hand against the wall.

  Les let out a moan as he grabbed her arms. Cree’s back left the wall, and he walked over to the bed with ease with her still on his shoulders. Slowly, Les laid Cree down on the perfectly made bed. Cree watched as he walked over to his luggage, then returned to the bed and slowly pulled off his black silk boxers. Cree couldn’t believe the size of his package, which was rock hard, with a curve. She knew she was looking at seven or eight inches with a serious thickness. The curve only excited her more.

  Les put a condom on and came closer to the bed. He stared at Cree’s naked brown skin. He ran his index finger up her leg.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked.

  Cree nodded her head, still unable to form actual words. Les slowly climbed on top, pulling her legs apart. They didn’t lose eye contact as he entered her. Cree’s mouth dropped open when his tip gave her pleasurable pain. She gasped for air when the curve in his dick found her softest place and hit it over and over again. Cree’s fingernails dug into his back. They both moaned as their bodies worked in perfect unison together. He wasn’t fucking her; this was something completely different. It was passion at its highest. Cree grabbed his ass, feeling his muscles as they contracted with every thrust.

  Cree’s lip quivered as Les’s hands pinned her down on the bed. She couldn’t move. Her body trembled as he nibbled on her nipples, causing them to stiffen. Her body belonged to him, and he knew it and treated it accordingly. Les let out a growl that made Cree’s body tremble, and then their eyes locked. There was silence in that moment. They stared at each other as though they were both trying to look into the other’s soul. Les didn’t take his eyes off of her as he thrust his manhood as deeply as possible. Cree’s mouth dropped open as the intensity of the thrusts caused her body to tense.

  She felt it coming, pleasure was about to engulf her, but she wasn’t ready. All her training and exercise couldn’t stop the orgasm from escaping her body. She wanted to hold it in, but that was impossible. Her legs jerked as she held on to him for dear life. She closed her eyes. She wanted to create a mental picture of that moment. She wanted to live in that moment for the rest of her life.

  Cree opened her eyes to see Les staring directly at her. Their eyes met again when Les ran his finger across Cree’s lips. She licked his finger, closing her mouth around the thick finger. She closed her eyes as she sucked his finger, causing him to moan again. With his left hand he grabbed the side of her thigh. His strokes intensified, becoming faster with each thrust. Cree had already experienced nirvana, but she could feel death creeping back up on her.


  Cree loved hearing him call her name. The intensity in his deep voice drove her insane. She could hear him call her name for the rest of her life.

  “Cree. Shit.” Les pounded his fist on the headboard. He let out the loudest groan, and made the whole bed rumble. Cree watched him climax on top of her. His hard body became limp as he rested against her breasts. Cree ran her hand across his face, wiping the sweat from his brow. He rolled off of her.

  It was the moment Cree wasn’t ready for. She didn’t know her next move. Was she supposed to get up, grab her clothes, and take the walk of shame back to her hotel room? Before she could sit up, she felt Les’s large arm grab her. He pulled her body close to his. Their bodies were aligned perfectly. He kissed her on her back.

  “That was amazing. You are amazing,” he whispered in her ear.

  Cree smiled, she knew there was nothing she could say to top that. She put her arm on top of his, holding his hand as they both fell asleep, completely exhausted from the best day ever.

  Nia couldn’t remember the last time she had laughed so hard. The two of them settled into his suite. He gave her one of his shirts to sleep in, and a pair of boxer shorts that probably cost more than Nia’s whole outfit. Realizing he had the munchies, Kirk was about to order room service when Nia told him to let her order from a local wing spot that stayed open twenty-four hours on weekends. Twenty minutes later their order of wings and french fries was delivered.

  “These are fucking amazing,” Kirk said as he ate a hot wing. “I don’t think I’ve had wings that taste so good before.” Nia found his excitement, and his Australian accent, cute.

  “I’m sure you haven’t. They don’t make them like this anywhere else in the world. I’m sure of it.”

  “Those are big words, Madame Nia. Nowhere else in the world?”

  Nia sat up and poked her chest out. “I say nowhere else in the world.”

  “I might have to challenge you about that one day.”

  They both glanced at the TV a moment later and noticed that the program guide on one of the Starz channels noted that Olympus was going to be coming on next. They looked at each other and started laughing. She loved how they just seemed to laugh about nothing at all. Nia reached for the remote, but Kirk stopped her.

  “No, let’s watch it. Maybe I can see what you guys see in it that makes you want to dress up and stuff.”

  The show began to play as they settled back in bed, sitting up against the headboard like an old married couple watching their last show before going to bed at night.

  “This is one of my favorite episodes, actually,” Nia said and ate another french fry.

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yep. It’s where you sleep with Hercules’s mom.”

  Kirk looked at Nia. “What makes it one of your favorites?”

  “It’s this scene, actually. Your eyes. Man, when I saw this the first time, it gave me chills. You really delivered that monologue well. I felt like I was supposed to go to war or something.” Nia laughed, but she realized Kirk didn’t. She looked over and saw he was staring at the screen.

  “I found out my ex-fiancée was going to
die about an hour before I did that scene,” he said. He fell silent. The only sound in the room was the one coming from the television. Kirk continued to stare at the screen. From the news and blogs, Nia knew that he had a fiancée who died two years earlier from a drug overdose.

  “I was on the set, completely in that bloody makeup, when I got the phone call. I knew what the call was about by the look on my assistant’s face. He had never looked so serious before. I really couldn’t comprehend what her mother was saying to me, partly because she was crying. I just remember hanging the phone up and walking back to the set.”

  “I’m so sorry, Kirk.” Nia put her hand on top of his.

  “Oh, it’s all right now. I knew she had problems, but she was my first love, my high school sweetheart and all of that.” Kirk smiled, but the usual radiance was gone. “I tried to get her help, but she just didn’t want it. It killed me, but I had to let her go. Her mother blames me, of course. She says my leaving her was the thing that drove her over the edge, but I didn’t know what else I could do.”

  “We never know what to do in those situations.”

  “We?” Kirk looked at Nia. Their eyes met.

  “My father.” Nia shrugged her shoulders. “He felt that drugs were more important than his only child. So after attempting more than once to get him help, I realized there was nothing else I could do for him.”

  “Where is he now?” Kirk asked.

  “In jail, for at least the next few years. He tried to rob a store when he was high. But, you know, I’m happy he’s there instead of out here. At least in jail he has a roof over his head and meals.”

  The silence entered the room again. Kirk squeezed Nia’s hand. She looked at his face. He no longer looked like the actor who was currently on TV, but like just a friend.

  “You are something special. You do know that, Nia?”

  Nia threw her hair back and smiled. “Well, you know I do try.”

  They both laughed, and they continued to laugh for the rest of the night, until they finally fell asleep.

  Chapter 11

  I smiled as I stretched my arms. I had had the best sleep of my life in Ursula’s bed.

  Ursula’s bed.

  I quickly remembered that I was in Ursula’s bed. The night’s escapades started coming back to me, playing like a movie in my head. I had never experienced anything so amazing in my life. I didn’t know if it was the age difference that made her such a beast in the sheets or if it was that Ursula was just that bad. I wanted more and hoped for round three this morning.

  But I turned over to an empty bed.

  I sat up, looked around the room. Her suitcase was gone. I jumped out of the plush bed and ran into the bathroom. Her cosmetics were all gone. I went into the living area, only to see that all traces of Ursula were gone. The room began to spin. She was gone. If it wasn’t for the fact that I was standing in a suite I would never be able to afford, I would have thought maybe it was all a dream, after all.

  I walked back into the bedroom and began to pick up my clothes. I tried to hold on to the little dignity that I had left, refusing to let the tears forming in my eyes fall. I sat back on my side of the bed. My side. Who was I kidding? I didn’t have a side. I was just the girl who got to sleep with her one night. She probably felt she was doing me a favor, making one lucky fan’s dream come true.

  I couldn’t hold my emotions back. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I regretted the whole thing. Not only did my own woman treat me like I was disposable on a regular basis, but now a person I’d admired since childhood had also made me feel the same way so many in my past made me feel. I continued to cry as I sat there in Ursula’s suite, the suite that had erased every trace of her.

  I wiped my eyes, wanting to lie back down and erase the whole weekend from my mind. A white card sitting on the nightstand caught my eye. I picked up the hotel stationery and opened it up.


  Had to catch an early flight. Last night was amazing. You are an awesome girl, a girl I will never forget.


  I suddenly felt incredibly dumb. I held on to the card, rereading the words over and over. It wasn’t me. She had to catch a flight. She didn’t want to wake me out of my sleep, so she just left. This made me feel a little better, yet I still wished things had ended on a different note.

  I fell back on the plush pillows on the bed. I put my hands on my stomach and closed my eyes. The night played in my head. I could still feel her touching my skin. I could taste her sweetness in my mouth. I remembered exploring her body, feeling each curve, running my hands through her long black hair. I felt her lips pressed against mine. I felt her breathe her energy into my mouth, rejuvenating my spirit and soul. I could live in those moments forever.

  A knock on the door by housekeeping brought me back to reality. This wasn’t my room, and I should have been out of here by now. I reluctantly got up out of bed and put my shoes on. I took a final look around the hotel suite. I noticed a single rose still standing in a vase. It had come with the room service she had ordered for us. I smiled as I picked up the rose and smelled it. I would save the rose with the note as a reminder that I didn’t dream this whole experience. My wildest dreams were reality, even if it was only for one night.

  Cree felt Les’s strong hands pressing against her thighs. She opened her eyes to see him standing over her, completely dressed, wearing a white shirt that hung off his muscles perfectly. His cologne ignited the rest of her senses, as if he were a morning cup of coffee.

  “Hey, you,” he whispered in his deep voice.

  Cree smiled. It was morning, and she knew she had to have morning breath. She got out of the bed and turned away from him as she picked up her clothes.

  “Good morning. I see you had an early start. You could have woken me.” She walked around the suite, looking for the pieces of clothing she was missing.

  “I could have, but you just looked so beautiful sleeping, I didn’t want to disturb you. I have a meeting, and then I’m heading back to Canada. I didn’t want to just leave while you were sleeping.” The statement caused Cree to stop in her tracks. She looked at his chiseled face. He was gorgeous and sweet.

  “Well, thank you, but it wouldn’t have been a problem. I would have understood. Do I have time to take a shower?”

  Les nodded his head. His phone started to ring after Cree disappeared into the bathroom. Suddenly something didn’t feel right to Cree. She didn’t close the bathroom door all the way and stood there, pressing her ear against the door.

  “Hello, sweetie. Oh, it was great. Yeah, I’m headed back today. Yeah. I love you too.”

  Cree felt her heart fall out of her chest. She pressed her hand against her mouth, not wanting a sound to come out. She scanned her memory, trying to remember if she had ever read anything about him having a girlfriend or a wife. She knew she hadn’t. She was positive about it.

  Cree turned the shower on and got it. The hot water hit her face. She took a deep breath. Maybe it was a family member. She wasn’t going to jump to conclusions too quickly. She took a quick shower and got dressed.

  Les was checking over his bags when she walked into the bedroom. He smiled as he walked over to greet her. Les planted a deep kiss on her lips. She wanted to kiss him back but couldn’t. He looked at her with his sexy but serious face.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked.

  Cree took two steps back. She wanted to yell and ask him who it was that he had told that he loved, but she knew she needed to take a more appropriate approach. If she was wrong, she didn’t want to make him think he had just slept with a crazy person.

  “Nothing is wrong. I just had an amazing time. I hate that it has to end.”

  Les smiled. “You act as though I’m not going to keep in touch.”

  “Are you?” Cree’s eyes widened. “I mean, because I watch TV, I know how these things usually happen.”

  Les let out a chuckle. He stepped toward her and kissed her on her forehead. “This
isn’t TV, baby.”

  “So this isn’t a one-night stand, where you head back to meet a wife somewhere?”

  This time Les took two steps back. His smile faded, and his face took on the serious expression Cree knew too well from the television shows. “Okay, Cree, I’m going to be honest with you. Sit down.”

  Cree took a deep breath as she sat on the side of the bed. She folded her arms, already knowing what was about to happen. Les stood in front of her, rubbing her shoulders.

  “Les, do you have a wife?”


  “You don’t?” She stared into his dark eyes.

  “No, I am not married. But there is someone.”

  Cree tried to stand up, but Les pushed her back on the bed. He held her arms as she attempted to break free of his grasp. She didn’t know what she wanted to do. A part of her wanted to break free and run out of the room, but another part of her wanted him to continue to hold her.

  “Cree, it’s complicated.”

  “Complicated? What exactly does that mean?” Cree freed herself, rose from the bed, and took two steps back.

  “Exactly what I said. It is complicated, and it’s something I’d rather not talk about right now.”

  Cree felt the tears forming in her eyes. She tried to keep her eyes open, hoping the tears wouldn’t fall.

  “Cree, please, don’t do that.”

  Les reached out to Cree, but she pulled away. She couldn’t stop shaking her head. Her fairy tale was shattering in front of her.

  “Cree, it’s not what you think, and I promise one day, when the time is right, I will talk to you more about it. But I need you to trust me when I say now is not the time. One day, but not today.”