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Les Tales Page 10

Cree climbed back into bed and kissed her Adonis, as she had been doing for the past two days.

  Chapter 15

  I called her to thank her for the dress and to question her about the plane ticket. She simply laughed and told me she wanted to see me in the dress for herself. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. I took the red-eye to Los Angeles the next morning.

  I arrived at her house in Santa Barbara. I watched as the large gates opened. The driver traveled up a long winding driveway. My mouth dropped open as the villa appeared behind the tall trees. It was something like out of a movie. It was every bit a hidden paradise. The villa looked like it belonged in Europe somewhere instead of California. The trees gave it a very cozy feel, even though it was a huge mansion. I felt my palms start to tense up as I watched Ursula appear in the front doorway.

  I managed to contain my excitement as I got out of the car. She walked over and hugged me as the driver pulled my bag out of the trunk.

  “Welcome, Temple.” She sounded so sweet, like the woman whom I’d admired on the panel at Dragon Con. She thanked the driver and tipped him for his service.

  I walked into the house and had to force my mouth from dropping open again. She told me the home was a restored Tuscany villa. I admired the stone floors and walls. She had a very minimalist design theme, keeping to the Tuscan feel of the home. I felt like I was in Tuscany.

  I noticed a large painting of Ursula on the wall in the massive living room. I was mesmerized by how realistic it looked. I felt like her eyes in the painting were actually watching me. I felt her hand grab my arm. She turned me around, pulling me close to her. She planted her lips against mine.

  She had my dress off in seconds. My body shivered as my bare skin touched the cold stone floor. Ursula didn’t say a word as she started to kiss my inner thighs. Her left hand massaged my left breast, caressing it and squeezing my nipple in between her fingers. I closed my eyes when I felt her right index finger feeling the moistness that had already consumed my vagina. She placed her finger inside me, only to pull it right back out. I opened my eyes and watched her suck my sweetness off her finger.

  “I’ve been waiting a long time for this,” she whispered. “Temple, my Temple.”

  Her Temple.... My heart skipped a beat as she said my name over and over. I bit my bottom lip as her tongue danced a forbidden dance around my clit. She consumed me, sucking and licking all my sweetness. Her fingers fucked me. She was treating my body like it was her personal playground.

  This time I didn’t fight back. I let her turn me into her bitch. I didn’t want to be in control. I wanted to let her have her way with me, and she did. I submitted to her. I felt death creeping up from my toes and reaching the pit of my stomach. I grabbed her arms as my orgasm escaped my body. Ursula looked up at me. I could see my essence on her face.

  “Let’s take a dip.” She smiled as she stood up.

  Ursula took my hand, helping me up off the floor. She held on to my hand, and I followed her outside. Her backyard looked like the set of Olympus. Large Roman columns stood around the pool, which looked more like a large lagoon than a swimming pool. The smell of various flowers and citrus filled the air.

  Ursula pulled her sundress over her head. I watched as she dove into the water like she was a pro diver. I knew I couldn’t do that. I sat on the edge of the pool and put my feet in the water. To my surprise, the water was rather warm, but still cool enough to enjoy.

  “Come on in,” Ursula said before disappearing under the water again.

  I didn’t know how to tell her that I wasn’t that great of a swimmer. I watched as her silhouette came closer and closer to me, until her head popped up out of the water right in front of me. She smiled, placing her arms on my legs.

  “You do know how to swim, right?”

  “Yes, just not really well.”

  “I won’t let you drown, I promise.” She winked at me.

  I let my body fall into the blue water. We went from fucking in her living room to playing around in her swimming pool like we were two big kids, and this was all within the first hour of my arrival. I had no idea what to expect from the rest of the weekend.

  We got out of the water, and she led me to a guest room in her house. I took a long warm shower and washed my hair. I pulled my curly mane back into a ponytail. I opted for a simple blue maxi dress with three large tulips printed on the side.

  I took a moment to try to take it all in. Then I walked out on the balcony attached to my room. I could see the beautiful backyard, which was covered in twinkling lights. The pool was illuminated, making it appear electric blue. I took a deep breath; this was the way to live. It surely beat my little apartment.

  I heard a ringing sound coming from my room. I realized it was my phone. I dashed inside and scrambled to find it, only to roll my eyes when I saw Ciara’s face pop up on the screen. I pressed IGNORE. She was the last person I wanted to talk to. Moments later the phone began to ring again. I knew she would just keep calling, so I pressed the SEND button.

  “Yes,” I said in the driest tone I could muster.

  “Where are you?” Ciara sat in her car, staring at my front door.

  “I’m out.”

  “Don’t fucking play with me, Temple. Where the fuck are you?”

  I could hear the anger in her voice, but I didn’t care. I wanted to tell her I was in a lavish mansion, getting pleased by a real woman, something she could never amount to, but I knew I couldn’t.

  “I went to Atlanta.”

  There was silence on the phone. I just held the phone, waiting on a response.

  “So you had to go be with her, huh?” Ciara’s voice cracked.

  “There you go. For your information, I’m not even with Nia. She’s not even in town herself. I just needed to get away for a minute, so I came here.”

  “You needed to get away from what?”

  The hurt in Ciara’s voice actually made me feel bad. This time I took a long moment before speaking. “You already know the answer to that.”

  I knew the words had to hurt her, but I was past the point of caring. She had hurt me, and I wasn’t over it. On top of that, I was in the mansion of the woman I’d fantasized about and idolized most of my life. I knew Ciara could never compete with that. What we had would never be the same. I wondered how I would ever date another woman after experiencing Ursula. How did you go backward after being with the best?

  I heard Ursula call my name. The silence on the phone just further solidified my decision. Ciara wasn’t putting up a fight at all, which bothered me for some reason. A piece of me wanted her to yell at me and tell me that she wasn’t going to let me go or give up on us. Another part of me wanted her to just realize that she had messed us up and that we would never be the same again.

  “Well, you just continue to do you, Temple?” Ciara said, breaking the silence. “Let’s hope I’m still here when you decide you are ready to come back.”

  She hung the phone up, leaving me speechless. Another reality set in. What if I did want her back one day and she wasn’t there? I didn’t have time to worry about that. I knew what I wanted, and she was waiting on me. I knew this type of opportunity came only once in a lifetime, and I wasn’t going to let it pass.

  Cree watched Les get dressed. She loved watching his muscular frame flex with the smallest motions, such as pulling up pants or buttoning the buttons on a shirt. While women lusted over his body, she got to experience it now on a regular basis. As much as she loved watching him dress she also hated it simply because she knew it meant that he would be leaving her soon.

  “Watching me dress again?” Les smirked.

  Cree sat up in bed. “Maybe.” She winked at him.

  Les crawled across the bed. He grabbed Cree’s face and pressed his lips against hers. She loved his rough touches. He manhandled her just the way she liked it. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him down on top of her.

  “Um, no, not again.” Les shook his head. “I’ll never get ba
ck to Toronto if I let this happen.”

  “Fuck Toronto.” Cree giggled. “I think this is just as enticing as a stupid TV show filming.” She opened her legs, exposing her Brazilian-waxed vagina. Les let out a deep groan that rumbled through the room.

  “It is far, far more enticing.” Les touched her smooth skin. “Maybe just a little taste.”

  Cree giggled as she pulled his T-shirt over his head. Les entered her with his tongue. Cree pushed his head deep into her walls. She wanted him to savor it. She wanted him to relish it so much that he couldn’t leave. Les moaned as he ate her like she was the last meal he would ever have.

  Les’s phone started to ring. Cree knew that ring well. It was home and usually meant his daughter was on the other end. Les moaned, then stopped his feast by laying one final kiss on her clit. He got up and reached for his phone.

  “Hey, bumblebee.”

  Les disappeared into Cree’s living room. Cree hit her hands against the bed. Her body was in full heat, and the distraction meant she would not find a release unless she finished it off herself. She got out of bed and grabbed her robe.

  Cree walked into the kitchen and pulled a bunch of fresh fruit and veggies out of the refrigerator. She used the NutriBullet Les had bought her and created his favorite smoothie. She poured the smoothie into one of the large disposable cups she had bought just for him. Cree walked into the living room, where he was still talking on the phone with his daughter. She handed him the smoothie. Les grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap. She sat there with her arms around him as he told his youngest daughter he would see her soon.

  Cree now knew the reason why her time with Les was limited. His wife had died about a year earlier from breast cancer, leaving him with two daughters to raise alone. The youngest was too young to comprehend what had happened, but his oldest had taken the death hard and was now overprotective of him. He had witnessed firsthand her dislike of his dating when she thought that rumors of him sleeping with a costar had started in the rumor mill. He decided he wouldn’t get serious with anyone until he knew his daughter was 100 percent okay with it.

  Cree didn’t like it, but she understood that for now they couldn’t be more than what they were, a weekend romance. Les had flown her out to every city he was in except for Toronto, where his daughters were currently staying with him during filming. Even though she knew the situation, her feelings were starting to grow deeper for the man she had already been in love with before ever meeting. She struggled to keep her emotions in check; the last thing she wanted to do was lose him.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked the moment he hung up the phone.

  “Yes, everything’s fine. Of course, Piper is annoying Cherish, but that’s what little sisters are supposed to do.” Les kissed Cree on her cheek.

  Although the sex was amazing, it was the smaller things that were causing Cree’s feelings to develop. They were open and honest with each other about everything. They would spend hours talking while he was on the set and was waiting for scenes to be set up. He tried to spoil her, but she wasn’t into the things that most women wanted. The only thing she wanted was time, and she knew she couldn’t have nearly as much as she wanted.

  “This is great,” Les said, taking another sip of the smoothie. “Thanks, baby.”

  Cree felt her heart melting. She stood up and walked into her bedroom, knowing that her emotions were about to get the best of her. Les knew something was up. He always knew something was wrong when she walked away without saying anything.


  “I’m sorry. I really am. Just give me a minute.” Cree wiped the tears forming in her eyes.

  Les walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She touched his bulging biceps. She held on as they looked at each other in her bedroom mirror.

  “Is this becoming too much for you? I understand if it is,” Les said.

  “I’m okay. Really, I am.” Cree forced a smile to appear across her face. She knew he knew she was lying by the sullen look on his face.

  “Cree, I don’t want to hurt you. I know I’ve asked a lot of you, but I—”

  “Les, I’m all right. Yes, I would like us to become more, but I understand. I know what I signed up for.”

  Les didn’t know what to say. He kissed her on the nape of her neck. The kiss sent chills through Cree’s body.

  “I want you to buy yourself something nice.” He pulled a stack of hundreds out of his pocket. Cree tried to say no, but he wouldn’t accept it. He left the wad of bills lying on her dresser.

  Cree stared at the money lying on her dresser. Les’s phone rang. She watched through her mirror as he answered his phone. She knew it had to be the car service there to pick him up. After he hung up, there were no words. She handed him his bag, fixed his tie, and kissed him one more time before he walked out the door.

  Chapter 16

  This had to be what pure bliss felt like. I had fucked Ursula in every room of her villa, in some rooms twice. We couldn’t get enough of each other. I could say officially that I’d had every inch of Ursula and she had had her way with every part of my body as well. We sat on a blanket in one of the gardens. Ursula picked up a piece of papaya. She allowed the juice to roll down my thigh. She licked the sweet trail off my leg while I ran my hands through her long black hair.

  “This has been insane,” I said. I kissed her mouth, taking half of the fruit that was hanging from her lips.

  “It has been a pretty amazing weekend, if I say so myself.” She winked.

  I didn’t know what it was about her. She was like the sun radiating warmth into me with every smile. Whenever she gave her devilish grin, I would be instantly ready for her to take my body as her personal prisoner.

  “I don’t want this to end. How can I go back to work after this?” I fell back on the blanket, and Ursula rubbed a piece of fruit around both of my nipples. Her mouth soon found its way to the sweet spots.

  “Well . . .” She paused as the tip of her tongue grazed my hard right nipple. “All good things do have to come to an end at some point. I have to get back to Toronto to shoot the show you love so much.”

  I didn’t want it to end. I knew if she asked me to right then, I would devote the rest of my life to fulfilling her every whim. I was hooked on her; she was everything that I wanted and then some. I didn’t know how to go back to the real world after living in paradise.

  I watched Ursula’s naked body as she stood up. She reached her hand out and took mine, helping me up off the ground. We held each other as she planted sensual kisses on my mouth, cheeks, and neck.

  “I don’t want to go. I really don’t want to,” I muttered.

  Ursula stopped kissing me. She looked in my eyes with a very serious face.

  “You aren’t going and getting serious on me, are you, Temple?”

  The question caught me off guard. I took two steps back. I didn’t know how to answer it. I could not fathom how she could think this was anything less than love happening between us. Even though it had been only one weekend, there was no way a person could do what we’d done to each other without feeling something for the other.

  “Um, I don’t really know how to answer that question.”

  It was Ursula who took a step back this time. Her usual smile turned into a straight-faced expression. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. I was searching for something to let me know I wasn’t crazy for having feelings for her, even if our time together had been brief.

  “Temple, I don’t know how to say this, but I thought you understood that this is just us having fun. This is not, nor will it ever turn into, anything more than that.” I couldn’t believe how her voice went from sexy to professional so fast.

  “I’m not saying I expected a relationship, but I thought there was something a little bit more than a casual romp going on here.”

  “Well, if I gave you that impression, I am very sorry.” Ursula picked her robe up and began to put it on. She turned away from me and start
ed to head into the house. My head was spinning as I stood there, naked, in her garden. I picked the blanket up and wrapped it around my bare skin and followed her.

  She stood there in the kitchen, pouring a glass of wine, as though she hadn’t just burst my dream bubble. I couldn’t speak. All the things going through my mind sounded dumb. I wanted to go off, but what right did I have? I wasn’t her girlfriend, and she had never made a single statement to let me know she wanted something more with me. I should have known better. Why would she want something more with me when I’d let her have all of me without hesitation? I could hear my mother’s voice echoing in my mind. Why buy the cow when the milk is free?

  “Ursula . . .” My voice trembled like the first time I asked a question at Dragon Con. “I didn’t think we were in a relationship or anything, but you flew me here, you gave me the dress. We’ve been doing . . . well, what we’ve been doing all weekend. I just figured this was a little bit more than playing around.”

  Ursula shook her head in a condescending manner. I had never felt so dumb before. She walked up to me and put her hands on both my upper arms.

  “Sweetie, I wanted you here because I wanted to do exactly what we’ve been doing all weekend, having fun together. I like you, and I like what we do together, but, honey, that is all it is. Two adults having a good time together.”

  “So that’s all I am? A fuck buddy?”

  “I’d like to say it’s more than that, but if that’s what you want to call it . . .” Ursula’s face didn’t change.

  I’d never been so offended before. I had never in my life been a fuck buddy. I had never had a one-night stand until Dragon Con. I’d let her turn me into something that I had never in a million years thought I would be.

  I nodded. “Well, okay then.”

  I didn’t know what else to say. I felt tears wanting to form in my eyes. I couldn’t let her see me cry. I couldn’t let her know I felt like the biggest fool on the planet. I walked as quickly as I could to the guest room where my things were.